Police in Britain free another terrorism suspect

Eleven of the 13 terrorism suspects arrested Tuesday in raids in London and other parts of England were still in custody after a second man was released without charge, police said. In a brief statement, the Metropolitan Police said a 25-year-old man, identified only by the letter "K", who was arrested in Lancashire, northwest England was released on Friday evening. Another suspect was released on Wednesday, also without charge. "The man ('K') received legal representation throughout his detention," the police said. "At this stage it would be inappropriate to provide further details regarding the operation and the arrests." The 11 who remain in custody at a central London police station are aged 19 to 32. Press reports have said that they are all of south Asian origin, and that at least some of them are British citizens. Police have refused to confirm whether one of the men is a top operative in Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda organisation. He was identified to AFP by Pakistani intelligence officials earlier this week as Abu Eisa Al-Hindi, accused by both Islamabad and Washington of being a senior Al-Qaeda figure.