UzJilSberBank Introduces Plastic Cards at AGMK

UzJilSberBank (Uzbek housing construction bank) completed a project of introduction of plastic cards at Almalyk Mining and Smelting Combine (AGMK). The project, initiated in 2001, consisted of two stages. The first stage included opening of soum card accounts for all employees of AGMK, preparation of 26 cash dispensing points, as well as installation of cash dispensers in the plant’s administrative building. The purpose of the second stage was reduction of circulation of cash resources of plastic cards owners. In August 2004, the number of plastic cards of UzJilSberBank, used by AGMK employees, comprised more than 20,000, while the total balance on card accounts during January-August 2004 exceeded 468 million soums. The bank carried out expansion of network of trading points, receiving payment for goods and services through plastic cards inside Almalyk city. Starting from August, the number of trading terminals serving AGMK employees reached 39. Trade turnover on plastic cards made up 50 million soums. UzJilSberBank is also introducing plastic cards in the Uzbek capital. Effective August, all employees of Tashkent city administration became owners of soum plastic cards. At present, specialists of the bank are working at development of new wages projects at Bekabad Metal Processing Combine, Novoangren power station, Ahangaran Cement Works, etc.