Regulation of Internet activities

On 12 November the State Committee on Communication of Russian Federation was reestablished under the Ministry of Communication. On 16 November its chief, Leonid Reiman, conducted his first press conference. The topic of the conference was the major directions of the Ministry_s work: Y2K, Internet development, and the introduction of by-time-payment for local phone connections. When speaking about the introduction of Internet information control, Mr. Reiman said, "In cooperation with Ministry of RF on Publishing, Television & Radio, and Mass Media, we intend to prepare a system of regulation of Internet activities." According to the minister, information with scenes of violence and porno which appears in Internet hurts its users. As a result of the introduction of by-time-payment for local telephone calls, costs for Internet usage could also rise. "The by-time-payment for local telephone connections has already been introduced in 68 regions of Russia. The process of introducing this system will speed up in the nearest future," said Mr. Reiman. At the same time, the minister did not say when exactly the system of Internet by-time-payment in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be introduced.