Israeli mayor calls for Gaza town to be erased

Responding to Kassam rockets being fired into the Israeli town of Sderot, the local mayor says the Gaza town of Beit Hanoun should be destroyed. In an interview aired by Israeli army radio, Sderot Mayor Eli Moyal said if the only solution was to destroy Beit Hanoun (where the rockets were fired from), then "so be it." Beit Hanoun is in northern Gaza. "Everything that the government has done so far has not helped the situation. It has just increased the terror attacks. Their methods are simply not working. If the price of stopping the attacks is wiping out Beit Hanoun -- that's what should be done," Moyal went on. "If this had happened to the Americans, Russians or French ? Beit Hanoun would have been erased long ago," Moyal said. "It is intolerable that every morning, at the same hour, houses in Sderot are damaged and people suffering shock are taken to hospital," he added.