Italy, Austria Set Example for Bulgarian Industry

Industrial sectors in three Bulgarian municipalities will follow the example of Italian and Austrian models of development in a project, financed by the European Union. The signing ceremony of the agreement took place on Friday and was attended by Prof. Flavio Delbono, Vice President of Italy's Emilia Romagna, the main Italian partner in the project. The Industrial Cluster Development project is worth EUR 2 M and is part of the programme INTERREG III- CADSES (Central Adriatic Danubian South -Eastern Europe Space). It aims to develop different industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Central Hungary after the model of successfully developed industrial clusters in Italy and Austria. Plovdiv, Blagoevgrad and Razlog are the Bulgarian partners in the project, which will develop their food industry, production and design of furniture sectors respectively. The project's partners and clusters have been defined after a preliminary socio-economic, legislative and economic analysis, which located the separate industries as traditional and well developed in these municipalities.