Rally On Maidan in Kyiv

Now from 150,000 to 200,000 people have gathered on the Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square). People started to arrive from the regions. In the Khreschatyk Street up to the Independence Square the “Pora” activists have put up about 150 tents and made two tent camps. The first starts from the crossroads at the Proriznaya Street, and stretched till the Passage. People are determined to stand in the Independence Square until the authorities admit the elections fraud and recognize the victory of democratic candidate Viktor Yushchenko. The rally at Maidan goes on. The Ukrainians are ready to defend their choice. Wooden barriers are placed in front of the two tent camps. The tents are guarded from all sides by young people who are not letting in the unknown. No policemen are seen by the tent camps. The “Pora” has not planned the exact number of the tents. “We are to erect as many tents as many people would come,” told the organization’s activists. Meanwhile, people are resolved to wait until the authorities admit the elections fraud and recognize the victory of democratic candidate Viktor Yushchenko.