The Barometer

Macedonian citizens consider the judicial sector as the most corrupted in Macedonia, according to results of the Transparency International Global Corruption Report 2004. The barometer assesses the general public's perceptions and experience of corruption. The global coalition against corruption conducted the survey on 50,000 people in 64 countries and territories from June to September. People gave 1 point for the most transparent and 5 points for the most corrupt. Macedonians see the judicial sector as more corrupt than any other, giving it 4,3 points, followed by political parties with 4,2 points and media - 3,3. NGOs and religious groups are considered as more transparent. Around the globe, people gave an average 4 points to political parties, the highest among all fields of society. The legislature ranked second with 3.7 points, followed by police and the judiciary with 3.6 each, and tax authorities and business with 3.4 points. But many advanced nations suggested a high level of credibility for the legislature, with 1.6 in Singapore, 2.2 in Denmark, 2.4 in Luxembourg, and 2.6 in Finland and Norway.