Enhancing Partnership

Russia and Germany are determined to build up school and youth exchanges, Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said before German-Russian interstate consultations. "We intend to enhance partnership between our two countries' civil societies. That especially concerns the younger generation. That is why we shall sign a new agreement on youth partnership, and spectacularly build up school and youth exchanges," he said in an interview with Rossiiskaya Gazeta published on Saturday, December 18. A German-Russian Youth Foundation will be established for the purpose. Either country will set up bureaus to promote school and youth exchanges, consult interested people, and circulate exchange programs. Mr. Schroeder highly appreciates the present scope of contacts between German and Russian civil societies. They have never been so extensive as now, he stressed. Both countries' parliaments, regions, cities, many organizations and offices have close links with each other. Hundreds of schools are maintaining partnership. The Chancellor highlighted last year's Russian-German intergovernmental agreement to facilitate public trips. It is of great help to businessmen, students and cultural activists. Negotiations underway between Moscow and Brussels have for their long-term purpose to cancel visa arrangements between Russia and the European Union.