The Legal Framework

The National Bank of Kazakhstan develops and maintains relations with international financial organisations on the following directions: 1. Servicing credit lines, extended by the international financial organisations to the National Bank and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2. Negotiations with international financial organisations on possible attraction of credit lines; 3. Work with missions of IMF, IBRD, EBRD, ADB in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of banking sector reform; 4. Membership of the Republic of Kazakhstan in international financial organisations. Current macroeconomic situation and the process of reforming in the Republic of Kazakhstan gave occasion to receipt by the Republic of Kazakhstan of credit lines by international financial organisations. On December 6, 2001 the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On membership of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Financial Corporation, International Development Association, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank”, in which the legal framework of the membership of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international financial organisations is determined.