New virus spreading via chat rooms

A new breed of computer virus spreading through Internet chat rooms this week could let its creator effectively control infected computers remotely. The virus, W95.Babylonia, comes disguised as a Y2K fix. More worrisome to computer security experts is its ability to update itself with potentially malicious instructions from Japan. "The virus writer can write code to do anything he wants to," said Vince Gullotto, director of Network Associates' anti-virus research team. "There's nothing else even close to it." This virus primarily affects home computers and spreads through Microsoft software used for chat rooms. David Perry, director of public education at Trend Micro Inc., warned Tuesday against accepting unsolicited files and urged computer users to update virus-detection software. Because this virus spreads through chat rooms, users should turn off auto-download features. Unlike recent computer infections spread via e-mail, W95.Babylonia takes advantage of chat rooms and makes home users more prone to infection. When an infected user logs on to a chat room using MIRC chat software, the virus gets sent as a Y2K bug fix to anyone else in that chat room. If the user accepts the software, the virus will install itself and later obtain several files from a Web site in Japan. Those files, in turn, carry instructions affecting the user's computer. Vincent Weafer, anti-virus research director at Symantec Corp., said the virus can spread by e-mail as well, though home e-mail use is not as heavy as that of businesses. Discovery of the new virus comes days after experts detected a virus timed to erase disks on Jan. 1 by posing as a Y2K problem. All told, there are three viruses known to trigger in the new year. Three others spread by "posing" as Y2K software and act immediately.