The Standby Module

The Khrunichev Center views Kazakhstan as a potential partner for completing the multi-purpose laboratory module FGB-2 and making it part of the International Space Station in 2007, Center's chief Alexander Medvedev said on Monday. The standby module, as he calls it, which is part of the ISS functional-cargo module FGB-1, is 70% ready. "It can be geared to the interests of Kazakhstan", Mr. Medvedev said. "The first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan could fly to the ISS not as a visitor (like in a short-duration visiting crew) but for full-fledged research work in the module", Mr. Medvedev said. The FGB-2 status has been coordinated with Roskosmos (Russian Space Agency), he said. Mr. Medvedev said launch of the new Russian module and its docking with the ISS were scheduled for 2007.