Internet Marketing conference in Russia

Every day of the conference was devoted to one of the three topics: "Business strategy and tactics in Internet", "Internet advertising technologies", "E-commerce in Russia". On December 15, the Business strategy and tactics in Internet section was run. It considered the problems of development and implementation of Internet business strategies, models of online business, management of Internet projects, typical problems of Internet projects and their solutions. The second day was devoted to Internet advertising technologies at Russian market, methods of estimation of Internet advertising efficiency, its cost, and a lot of other problems. Reports on these matters were done by representatives of the leading Russian Internet advertising agencies. The subject of the last day was the current problem of Internet commerce in Russia. Reports were done by developers of a number of Russian Internet shops, authors of CyberPlat-ASSIST payment system used by many Russian e-shops, and officials from Russian Ministry of Trade. Organized of the conference say that Russian e-commerce has changed drastically during the past year. Now Russia not only studies the experience of advanced Western systems but also analyze its own achievements and failures.