Knowledge Economy Forum IV

With GDP growth of 6.8% in 2004, prospects for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region are bullish, but continued strong performance depends largely on ECA Governments' policies to support further improvements in their countries' investment climates and private firms' ability to increase their productivity levels through innovation and enhanced labour skills. The themes of business environment, innovation and skills will be explored by participants from 26 ECA countries during the 22-24 March Knowledge Economy Forum IV (KEF IV) in Istanbul. Business Environment and Knowledge for Private Sector Growth is the title of the event, which is being co-sponsored by the World Bank and Turkey's State Planning Organisation (SPO). Other local and international organisations are also contributing to the organisation of the forum. For the first time this year, public and private sector representatives from virtually all ECA countries will attend, including participants from Southeastern Europe and Central Asia. "Improving the business environment to facilitate business start up and operation, providing incentives to adopt and diffuse technology at the firm level, and improving labour force education and training are essential to continued growth in ECA. My hope is that, during this forum, Governments and businesses will focus on how to implement lessons learned in these specific areas," explains Annette Dixon, Operations Director for the World Bank.