French constitutional cliffhanger in view

Twin opinion polls published show support for a "No" vote and rejection of the treaty is growing, at 53 and 54 percent against , the fourth and fifth negative polls in the last two weeks. Over the last six months French passion for this key measure of european integration has cooled. While the Constitution does attract cross-party support, the no camp deploys vocal opposition from far left and right, and some voices from the establishment parties. The Socialists have been all but split on the issue. Spokesman Julien Drey insists it is early days yet; "You mustn't forget that at least half of those polled said they hadn't made up their minds yet, so the results must be taken with a pinch of salt. Now the campaign is beginning". However details in the poll will worry the party leadership. It has papered over the cracks in the Socialist fortress, but the data shows the fissures are widening from the cellar to roof A big swing within the Socialist party puts the "No" camp now out in front. Too late, as the vote establishing policy is behind them, but with how much enthusiasm will every branch be campaigning? Pierre Giacometti is the boss of IPSOS polls;"For the last few weeks the left's electorate has got it into its head that the Constitution's the plan for a free-market europe, and at the same time there are background fears of social costs and economic weakness", is his analysis. If that sounds like a catch-all for the traditional French elector's desire to bloody the nose of a government when they are fed up about things, you may be right. It raises the political stakes, and makes this referendum one to watch.