Where is the Amber Room?

Soon the searches of the Amber room on the Kursk spit will renew. The mistress of the manor, which adjoins to a mysterious place, where ostensibly there is a hitlerite storehouse, informed journalists that she had received the letter from German broadcasting company NDR. She told that NDR was going to begin works again - enough means for realization of search, hidden at the end of war, are collected.

Two years ago this search was conducted rather actively. The elderly inhabitant of Germany Richard Pich who in the early childhood lived there in Preila stated his version about the Amber room According to him in the early morning the Hitlerites had dug here some boxes.

Fascists suited their secret storehouse in an icebox. But nobody assumed that in the future the sea would expand its coasts and treasure would appear under water. After wreck of the USSR R.Pich decided to check his hypothesis.He has found sponsors - the German broadcasting company. Business is mutually beneficial – if the treasure will be found, it will be a kind of advertising for the company, and both glory and money for R.Pich. And that was him who showed the place for the searches.

There were other hypotheses of the contents of the cache. For example, that documents of East Prussia gauleiter Erih Koch or relics of Prussian kings could be hidden in the iceboxes. But it is also known that the name of gauleier is connected directly to a secret of disappearance of the Amber room. In a word, searches foretold interesting results.

The company, which was trying to drain the small area of the gulf, was not able to pump out the water. Weeks passed and, obviously, the search was lingered. The period of storms began and during one of the nights the searchers gave up. Organizers have declared, that they stopped searches because they couldn’t find anything. In a word, they were disappointed.

Thus, the hope for the proponents of the Amber room appeared again. Maybe German broadcasting company NDR will be able to meet their expectations.