The Pavilion for Sale
Brightly yellow pavilion of Lithuania, by its form reminding a wing of the plane, has caused delights not only of public, but of the experts, too. All the internal constructions of a composition have the idea of a wing, of flight. And it is not by accident, because the main accent of an exposition is documentary film "Flight above Lithuania". It is shown in a cosy hall where the effect from acquaintance with a marvellous Lithuanian nature and architecture is strengthened with vibrating armchairs and the streams of air that imitate flight. There was also an idea to add aromas of the Lithuanian fields, but there were no means for doing that. During the first day 7000 visitors looked at "mini-Lithuania", and during the following one – 29 000 have visited it.
It is not surprising, that during construction of the pavilion hearings have appeared, that some firms would like to purchase it on completion of the exhibition. Having counted up, that dismantle of the exposition and its transportation to Lithuania will cost as much as its construction or even more, the authorities were likely to sell it. However, there was a lawful incident: as the pavilion is the property of the state, under the law competition on a privatisation should be declared. In this connection, instead of whether Lithuania will gape the buyer with all these formalities. Thus, the alarm has appeared, in such a situation Lithuania may loose the buyer.
At the session of the cabinet, which was held some hours before premiere A.Kubiljus left for Hanover, the government has made the decision to charge Minhoz to prepare the bill, allowing direct sale of the Lithuanian pavilion. The money obtained from its sale will return to Fund of export development from which construction was financed.