AOL previews TV plans

Hordes of companies are out showing interactive TV products at a trade show here, with America Online being the big new competitor on the block.After nearly 10 months since its plans were first announced, the giant online service is showing off interactive TV services in conjunction with satellite programmer DirecTV, as previously reported. The setting is fitting, for AOL and a raft of other companies are making big bets that various forms of interactive services on the TV will eventually be a hit with consumers. AOL, Microsoft and numerous other technology companies are hoping the payoff comes in the form of new revenue streams as consumer start purchasing goods and services from the couch. Research firm Jupiter projects that interactive TV will reach 30 million U.S. households and generate $10 billion in revenue by 2004. AOL is the latest to plunge into the market. The company is previewing AOL TV-branded boxes made by Hughes Electronics and Philips Electronics.