Retailers Remain Unready For E-Commerce - Study

Jason Stephens, speaking for the Greenberg, Glusker, Fields, Claman & Machtinger law firm in Los Angeles, said in an e-mail that the study, which surveyed 400 traditional retailers and consumer goods manufacturers, indicates that even among those companies already online, many haven't clarified their strategy or their expectations in competing with other Web-based businesses. Among other things, the survey reportedly found that only two-thirds of respondents have Websites, and that only about one-quarter of respondents are selling online. Of the companies operating Websites, the study noted, 31 percent said their sites have no "strategic purpose." Another 4 percent said they couldn_t articulate their strategic purpose. More than 50 percent have not organized their online efforts, and only 14 percent have spun off their e-commerce business into a separate company, division or department. Further, of those companies surveyed that are selling online, 46 percent are filling orders from the same distribution centers that they use for their brick-and-mortar stores, and 30 percent are filling orders directly from their store shelves, the study said. Greenberg, Glusker, Fields, Claman & Machtinger provides legal advice and assistance to companies wishing to establish an e-business, broaden their online presence, or expand their virtual marketplace, Stephens said.