14/12/2012 "Penki kontinentai“ news
Wincor Nixdorf training at BS/2 training centre
"Wincor World 2006" representative movie
15/03/2006 "CeBIT 2006" video
"CeBIT 2006": JSC "Penki kontinentai" business solutions are highly apreciable
11/03/2006 "CeBIT 2006" video
"Penki kontinentai" group presents it's solutions and products to conquer USA market
09/03/2006 "CeBIT 2006" video
"CeBIT 2006": JSC "Penki kontinentai" inovations for business
09/03/2006 Banking service equipment (video)
Banking monitoring
ProCash 1500xe
ProCash 2000xe
ProCash 2100xe
ProCash 4000
03/03/2006 Banking self-service equipment (video)
11/02/2006 Banking self-service equipment (video)
The Presentation of the BS/2 Banking Solutions in the World Exhibition
20/07/2005 Banking service equipment (video)
Monitoring Center
ProInfoPayment 1000
ProConsult 2000
ProCash 1500
Smart shopping trolley