01/12/2023 "Penki kontinentai“ news
IBF-2023 Highlights
10/10/2023 "Penki kontinentai“ news
BS/2 retail solutions that will change Azerbaijan’s shopping BS/2 322 subscribers
28/02/2023 "Penki kontinentai“ news
BS/2 Presented Solutions for Optimizing Cash Circulation in Azerbaijan
29/01/2009 Economics
Elite search for solutions in Davos
07/03/2008 „CeBIT 2008“ video
At the "CeBIT 2008" exhibition - "Penki kontinentai" solutions
04/03/2008 „CeBIT 2008“ video
27/02/2008 „CeBIT 2008“ video
11/02/2006 Banking self-service equipment (video)
The Presentation of the BS/2 Banking Solutions in the World Exhibition