Antanas Guoga, Jorge Calderon, Kęstutis Morkūnas, Ariana Rastauskaitė, Lina Vaitkutė, Ada Jonušė, Mary Moloney
2015-10-19 Pranešimai (SWITCH)
Centralised access to public Lithuania (spalio 9 d.)
Investicijos – jauno verslo greitintuvas (spalio 9 d.)
How to start up? Develop your own digital business (spalio 9d.)
How Campus can help you build a sustainable business (spalio 9d.)
Hack (spalio 9d.)
Follow your passion and earn a million (spalio 9d.)
Enabling your creativity with coding (spalio 9d.)
5 Jobs of the future (spalio 9d.)
Zero paper challenge: will we ever be able to replace paper? (spalio 8d.)
Sunday market - shopping mall - smartphone. Where will we shop next? (spalio 8d.))
2015-10-16 Pranešimai (SWITCH)
Platforms: how to inspire innovation and ensure fair competition for all (spalio 8d.)
Online University: no more classrooms and student parties? (spalio 8d.)
Measuring the World: from gold mining to data mining (spalio 8d.)
Keys to good health: excercise, diet and ... data monitoring! (spalio 8d.)
Keynote (spalio 8d.)
Job description: it nerd. e-skills and employment in Europe (spalio 8d.)
Industry 4.0: The winners andr the losers of the new industrial revolution (spalio 8d.)
Do machines inspire creativity (spalio 8d.)
500mln customers for every startup in Europe (spalio 8d.)
2015-10-15 Pranešimai (SWITCH)
Open data: new senior adviser in government's office? (spalio 8d.)