Moderatorius: Paul Kennedy MBE, Kennedy Integrated Solutions (JK)
Diskusijos dalyviai:Sally Greenhill, The Right Solution (JK), Penilla Gunther, Švedijos parlamento narė, Ruta Vainiene, ekonomistė (Lietuva)
The meetings and events industry is now getting political attention in many countries and some including Denmark and the UK have measured the economic impact in a credible way. This session explores why politicians should and are now taking notice of the business of meetings conferences and events as well as examining the positive social benefits which can be generated for destinations. The sessions brings together a Swedish MP who was once a meeting planner, a leading industry consultant who has in depth experience of creating the case for infrastructure investment and an editor who created the Swedish meetings week and politicians forum.
Profesinio tobulėjimo akademija yra vienos dienos renginys, skirtas konferencijų turizmo verslo atstovams. CONVENE dalyviams renginys padėjo pasiruošti darbui parodoje bei buvo puiki proga neformalioje aplinkoje pabendrauti su kolegomis. Visi pranešimai ir diskusijos vyko anglų kalba.