2015-10-19 Pranešimai (SWITCH)
Invisible enemy: cyber warfare in your computer. How vulnerable are we? (spalio 9d.)
2015-06-12 Pranešimai (baltic Cyber Security Forum 2015 Riga)
Cyber-attacks, favorite tactics of the enemy
2015-06-03 Pranešymai (Baltic Cyber Security Forum 2015 Vilnius)
Thera are only two places in this league of Cyber threats, first place and no place
Cyber threats and responses in a global economy. Does location matter?
2015-05-29 IT+
2014-06-13 Pranešimai („Baltic Cyber Security Forum 2014“)
Boris Cipot, Technical Product Manager, Corporate Security Business at F-Secure Corporation
Johan Henrikson, CEO, Verisec/Thales
2014-06-12 Pranešimai („Baltic Cyber Security Forum 2014“)
Simon Mullis, Technology Evangelist, FireEye Europe.
Sven Kivvistik, Estonian Information System Authority, Cyber Security Branch, Head of Risk Control and Advisory Department
2013-05-23 Technologijos
„Baltic Cyber Security Forum 2013“ – kibernetinio saugumo grėsmės ir jų šalinimo būdai
2013-05-17 IT+
2012-11-30 IT+
2005-11-14 Elektroninės informacijos apsauga
Elektroninėje erdvėje nusikaltimų skaičius auga