ProfIT encourages companies to move Windows Server 2003 to clouds

Published: 13 April 2015 y., Monday

Microsoft made an announcement that on the 14th of July, this year, it shall end the support for Windows Server 2003 server operating system. Companies are already encouraged to opt for Windows Server 2012 operating system, because the migration takes considerable amount of time: one week to one month.

The companies had mixed reactions. Information technology companies have already began migration of their servers. However, managers of companies that have no direct connection to technologies are unwilling to consider the potential costs and temporary interruptions of the work of their staff, so are hesitant about updating their software. Others simply do not attach great significance to the fact, because believe that after the expiry date of Windows Server 2003, the system will continue to function. This is true, but they fail to understand that failure to update their systems can result in many more losses. Outdated systems are highly vulnerable: even one-time interruption of the server’s operation can have significant impact on the company’s IT infrastructure and threaten financial losses.

One of the solutions to avoid substantial expenses and smoothly move to Windows Server 2012 is to entrust professionals with all the necessary work. Specialists of Penkių Kontinentų Komunikacijų Centras will analyze the company’s needs and prepare a project for the optimal migration of data, when replacing the operating system. The possibility to rent virtual servers rather than install them in an office is an even better solution for companies that wish to avoid all troubles. In this case, specialists develop a virtual server infrastructure: physical servers are stored in the company that maintains them, while employees of the company purchasing the server services connect to them remotely.

According to Mantas Vedrickas, Head of ProfIT Outsourcing Services of Penkių Kontinentų Komunikacijų Centras, the service of virtual server rent helps companies not only to avoid many unnecessary troubles, but also to ensure smooth operation in constantly changing business conditions. “You will no longer have to invest in costly networking hardware, servers and their maintenance, or to update your software and hire maintenance staff available 24/7. You can purchase all this as a service for a monthly fee. As the company’s needs grow and the need to replace, update the hardware or expand the network occurs, the company’s operations will not be disturbed, because all the work will be completed in the service provider’s premises, where the hardware is kept, without the company even noticing it. Therefore you will avoid noise and other inconveniences, which could arise if the hardware had to be replaced in your office, and your employees will be able to do their job without any interruptions”, explained M. Vedrickas.

The rented IT infrastructure operates in a 10 Gigabit network, thus information transfer is very fast. The company ordering the service can work without any interruptions: the service provider maintains continuous power supply for its servers and immediately replaces faulty servers by the backup servers, thus uninterrupted access to systems and data stored in the servers is ensured. Moreover, the solution offers high level of data security, because all information is stored in several physical locations and backed up; backup copies allow restoring data that was lost or damaged even due to negligent actions of employees.


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