Moscow metro's 75th anniversary

75 years after Moscow first opened its underground train system, Muscovites can ride a restored vintage train. more »

„Mountain tsunami“ threatens Bhutan

A glacier melt threatens to cause massive flooding and destroy a centuries old monastic fortress in the remote country of Bhutan. more »

Ending homophobia – stopping discrimination

What do countries as geographically diverse as Saudi Arabia, Uganda and Jamaica have in common? All of them criminalised homosexuality. more »

Human rights in the world – taking stock of 2009

Human rights is a key issue for the European Parliament and MEPs Monday took a first look at what the European Union did last year, when they discussed the EU annual report on human rights in the world. more »

Mercury fears in Japanese town

Researchers found high levels of mecury in a Japenese dolphin-hunting town, but say the mecury has no ill effects. more »

Pro-marijuana march in Mexico City

Crowds of Mexicans marched peacefully through the capital city on Saturday demanding the legalisation of marijuana. more »

Pets help prisoners

Prisoners are reported to have dramatic improvements in behaviour after pets are introduced in a new scheme. more »

Hat at centre of fur ban debate

Israeli Ultra-Orthodox MPs are lining up against activists proposing a total ban on furs, saying traditional fur hats are an important part of their religious tradition. more »

MEPs call for binding social protection for self-employed women and wives

EU Member States should organise social protection, including at least 14 weeks' maternity allowance, for self-employed women and self-employed men's wives or life partners, in accordance with national laws, said the Women's Rights Committee on Tuesday. more »

New media, new conversations, a new look EU?

How are the European Parliament, the European Commission and other parts of the European Union supposed to interest people and explain their work? more »