Bears rescued from bile farm

Moon bears pierced with metal tubes to extract an ingredient used in medicine have been saved from captivity in China. more »

Georgian tries to revive circus art

Georgian acrobat Ramaz Garshaulishvili is trying to revive interest in the circus by demonstrating his rope walking skills. more »

My wardrobe? That'll be the oven

The latest trend for New Yorkers who are low on storage space - storing clothes in the oven and kitchen cupboards. more »

Environment, extreme poverty causing refugee problems - UN's Guterres

Around the world 10 million people live in refugee camps - more than the population of several small European Union countries combined. more »

World Press Freedom Day: Commission launches 2010 Lorenzo Natali Prize for development journalism

On World Press Freedom Day on 3 May the Commission will officially launch the Lorenzo Natali Prize for 2010. more »

No day at the beach in Albania

What was once some of Albania's most beautiful coastline has been turned into toxic dumping grounds. Deborah Lutterbeck reports. more »

Capsule apartments for China's poor

A set of two-square-metre capsule apartments in Beijing give struggling individuals a chance to have their own space. more »

World Bank leaps to tigers' defense

The World Bank is adding its weight to efforts to save the world's endangered tigers. more »

Denmark's Little Mermaid in China

The statue of the Little Mermaid that has sat atop Copenhagen's harbour for nearly a hundred years is unveiled at the Shanghai World Expo. more »

China cannons tackle trash stench

Beijing city officials have come up with a novel way to combat the stench of the city's growing rubbish tips. more »